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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Delapan Surat Kabar di Manado

Memahami Manado

* Ada delapan koran di Manado, kota yang berpenduduk 500 ribu jiwa:
- Tiga dari Manado Post Group: Post, Posko, dan Tribun Sulut
- Tiga surat kabar milik Komentar Group
- Dua koran non-kelompok
- Sebuah harian baru, Media Sulut, rencananya terbit 14/7/08

* Total oplag seluruh koran sekitar 25 ribu eksemplar
(Angka itu sejatinya sudah di atas rata-rata perbandingan angka nasional, yang masih berkisar 1 koran dibaca oleh 38 penduduk. Di Manado, satu eksemplar koran dibaca oleh 20 penduduk)

- Harga koran sangat mahal: Rp 4.000 per eksemplar
- Harga iklan surat kabar sangat murah: Harga sebuah iklan kolom display (B/W) ukuran 2 x 100 mmk, bisa hanya Rp 250.000. “Itupun kadang dipasang selama sebulan penuh,” ujar Machmud, CEO Komentar Grup.

Minat Baca Warga Manado Cukup Tinggi
Rabu, 16 Juli 2008
MANADO -- Serikat Penerbit Suratkabar (SPS) Pusat bekerjasama dengan Dewan Pers kembali menggelar lokakarya Manajemen Pers bagi penerbit lokal. Kali ini, diperuntukkan bagi para penerbit di wilayah Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Gorontalo (Sulutenggo), dan digelar di Hotel Quality, Manado, dihadiri oleh 30 orang peserta, berlangsung pada tanggal 9 – 11 Juli 2008 lalu.
Sejumlah persoalan manajerial diangkat dalam program yang telah berlangsung sejak akhir 2005 dan mendapat dukungan penuh dari Dewan Pers ini. Mulai dari persoalan manajemen redaksi, sirkulasi, iklan, keuangan, dan SDM. Abdullah Alamudi, anggota Dewan Pers, membuka secara resmi acara ini yang baru pertama kalinya diadakan untuk para penerbit di wilayah itu.

Sejumlah pembicara yang hadir dalam program kali ini adalah Asmono Wikan (Direktur Eksekutif SPS Pusat), Ahmad Djauhar (Pemimpin Redaksi Harian Bisnis Indonesia), Januar P Ruswita (Direktur Pemasaran Harian Pikiran Rakyat), M Ridlo ‘Eisy (Direktur Harian Galamedia), Bambang Halintar (Pemimpin Perusahaan Majalah SWA), dan Diah Purnomowati (Manager SDM Majalah TEMPO).

Asmono Wikan menyampaikan pandangannya mengenai tinjauan industri media cetak 2008, dan kemudian pada sesi malam membicarakan program “membangun pembaca muda” yang telah dikampanyekan SPS Pusat sejak 2003. Melalui program Koran Masuk Sekolah (KMS), SPS Pusat hendak mendorong para penerbit media cetak di seluruh Indonesia agar memberikan ruang dan perhatian bagi para pembaca muda (young readers). “Karena merekalah calon-calon pembaca masa depan media cetak,” ujar Asmono.

Saat ini, masih Asmono, adalah saat yang tepat bagi seluruh penerbit untuk mengkampanyekan minat baca kepada para pelajar. “Berilah mereka ruang berekspresi di media cetak, dengan membuka rubrik khusus tentang KMS,” lanjutnya seraya memaparkan sejumlah penerbit harian yang telah bergabung dengan program ini. Antara lain Riau Pos, Waspada, Pikiran Rakyat, Jambi Express, Jambi Independen, Sumatera Express, Radar Cirebon, Bernas Jogja, Majalah Aku Anak Saleh, Lombok Post, dll.

Tak cukup hanya membuka rubrik khusus bagi para pelajar dan sekolah. “Murid-murid itu pun juga harus diberi kesempatan untuk belajar menulis, memotret, mendesain, dan memasarkan koran bersangkutan. Selanjutnya kolaborasikan pencapaian itu dengan aneka aktivitas off print yang juga melibatkan pelajar, guru, dan sekolah,” imbuh mantan wartawan Majalah CAKRAM ini.

“Silakan dihitung potensi pasar anak-anak sekolah yang ada di hadapan Anda. Ada berapa ribu sekolah di Sulut, Sulteng, dan Gorontalo. Itu tidak akan habis dimakan 2 - 4 koran harian saja. Sebuah pasar yang menjanjikan,” masih Asmono ketika menyambung diskusi tersebut dengan sejulah peserta dari kelompok Manado Post –harian Manado Post, Posko, dan Tribun Sulut.

Manado, dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 500 ribu jiwa, memiliki delapan koran harian lokal. Tiga diantaranya merupakan milik Manado Post grup dan tiga berikutnya milik Komentar grup, serta dua harian non-kelompok. Sebuah harian baru, Media Sulut, rencananya hendak terbit Senin lalu (14/7). Dari berbagai diskusi yang berkembang selama lokakarya itu, diperkirakan oplah semua penerbit harian di Manado tak lebih dari 25 ribu eksemplar. Angka itu sejatinya sudah di atas rata-rata perbandingan angka nasional, yang masih berkisar 1 koran dibaca oleh 38 penduduk. Di Manado, satu eksemplar koran dibaca oleh 20 penduduk.

Koran-koran di Sulut dan Gorontalo, tampaknya merupakan koran termahal di Indonesia. Manado Post dan Komentar, dua koran terbesar di Sulawesi Utara, misalnya, dibandrol eceran Rp 4.000. Pun dengan Gorontalo Post.

Fakta itu mencermikan sengitnya persaingan koran-koran di Sulawesi Utara. Bahkan, konon, menurut salah seorang peserta lokakarya, harga sebuah iklan kolom display (B/W) ukuran 2 x 100 mmk, bisa hanya Rp 250.000. “Itupun kadang dipasang selama sebulan penuh,” ujar Machmud, CEO Komentar Grup.

Adu siasat dan strategi untuk mengatasi persaingan di pasar pun lantas dilakukan. Harian Komentar, misalnya, hingga kini mencari terobosan dengan membuat format korannya yang berukuran tabloid enam kolom. Sementara harian Manado Post, merilis edisi khusus weekend, tiap Sabtu, dengan memberikan added service kepada para pemasang iklan mereka. (eta/asw)

Tribun Timur, Makassar

Manado, Hotel, Cafe, Mal, Internet umum tentang Manado, hotel, cafe, internet. Cukup lengkap


Manado, once described in guide books as one of Indonesia's cleanest cities, has changed a lot in recent years. After a period of neglect at the end of the 90's a huge building boom has started alongside the so-called "Manado Boulevard", the city's main road. Large areas have been gained by land reclamation projects along what used to be the city's coastline. New malls, shopping centers, department stores, hotels and restaurants have opened or are still being built. Especially the area around the Mega Mall, just a few hundred meters south of the city's landmark Ritzy Hotel, has become a new center of attraction and popular meeting point. The mall itself - apart from the usual Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken - has some very reasonable shops and at present is one of Manado's few places where you can get a good cappuccino and other hot and cold coffee drinks.

Some other parts of the city are still in a less good shape but efforts are underway to prepare Manado for the "World Ocean Conference" (2009) and for "Manado: World Tourism City 2010". Yet garbage collection doesn't always work as it should, road conditions are sometimes poor, and power & tab water supply is often problematic. However, since the present governor of North Sulawesi has taken office improvements are clearly visible. It seems that for the first time in many years at least some of the people in power actually care for their province and its people and don't use their position to fill their own pockets.

In any case you are hopefully not visiting North Sulawesi with the expectation of everything being like at home. Be a bit open-minded and adventurous and a stay in Manado with its hospitable and fun-loving population will be a pleasant experience. However, in terms of typical tourist sites it doesn't have much to offer, so if you don't have lots of time better don't consider spending too much of it in the city. Rather go for some of the many attractions in the surroundings which are described on this site.

Budget accommodation: Since the demise of the Smiling Hostel there is no place anymore that can be described as a "backpacker's favourite". Try the friendly Bersehati Hotel with ok rooms, or Rex Hotel. The Celebes Hotel near the harbour has gone more upmarket but still has some cheaper rooms and is quite convenient if you want to take the public boat to Bunaken. The hotel has incorporated what used to be the Smiling Hostel building.

Middle class hotels: Most centrally located are Hotel Central, Hotel New Queen and Celebes Hotel (at harbour). The Hotel Formosa in the south of Manado (ocean side of Bahu Mall) has ok rooms but I found the glass wash basin in the bathroom quite dirty and a bit disgusting. Other options are Hotel Minahasa, Regina Hotel and Golden Dragon Hotel.

Luxury Resorts and Hotels: Without doubt the most convenient location right in the city center has the Ritzy Hotel Manado which is also the city's biggest hotel. Less centrally located is the Gran Puri. Still relatively new and with a good location at Boulevard Mall is the Quality Hotel, with nice rooms. Personally I found the restaurant there not very convincing though.
Outside of town there are for example the Tasik Ria Resort, Santika Hotel, Kima Bajo Resort and Hotel Sedona which is the only 5 Star hotel in the province.

More hotels and resorts are currently being built in and around Manado.

Dining out in Manado has come a long way in the last few years with more restaurants than ever offering a wide variety of dishes. A few examples:

* Lesehan Malioboro - Javanese style restaurant which offers the choice of dining in the main room or outside in small houses seated on the floor at low tables. No visit is complete without an order of Ayam Malioboro which is crispy fried chicken. Other recommendations are the Sayur Urap (spicy coconut salad greens and bean sprouts) and Sayur Gudeg Yogya (slightly spicy jackfruit and tofu infused with tamarind and served as a savoury dish). Round this out with an order of Gado Gado and tempe and vegetarians won't be disappointed.
* Peony - announces itself as the "only Halal Chinese" restaurant in town so we have to assume there's something to please everyone in this newly renovated venue. The largely Chinese/Asian menu is tasty and a couple of favourite dishes include Curry Thai Fried Rice and BBQ Chicken Taliwang. Dim Sum (Yum Cha) is being offered at lunchtime on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sample dishes are brought out on a trolley for you to choose and then prepared while you wait.
* Dolphin Donuts - Donuts and Western food
* Green Garden - good seafood and Chinese cuisine at very affordable prices
* Xanadu - good Chinese
* Sky Dine & Lounge - quite "upperclass" place in Sario; good food and drinks, recommended hangout during the day
* If your budget can handle it, try the restaurant at Ritzy Hotel Manado (former Novotel), it's worth it: "All you can eat" buffet on Saturday evening for 75,000 Rupiah - usually good salads. The American Breakfast Buffet for 50,000 Rupiah is also recommended.

! Fish lovers might try a short trip to Kalasey, just a few km south of Manado: dozens of fish restuarants, built on stilts over the beach, and extremely popular with locals. The barbecued fresh fish and other delicacies usually taste excellent. I'm not a big fan of these places though since I have seen that they are offering Napoleons and other species that you would rather like to see alive in the reefs than grilled on your plate!

Manado Safari Tours, North Sulawesi
Manado Safari Tours

Discount Hotel Reservations for Manado including Bunaken Island

Our professionally run company prides itself on delivering a quality product where service and value are #1.

Whether you are looking for hotel reservations, diving reservations, a guided jungle tour, or simply a private airport pick-up in our zebra 5-door vehicle, please drop us an e-mail.

Safari Tours is conveniently located on Jl. Sam Ratulangi 178 diagonally across from Hotel Minahasa.

Web: Email:
Phone: (+62) 431 857637

Cafés: The city doesn't offer much in terms of hangouts during the day. Try the Café Oh lala in the Mega Mall, on the waterfront side. Many different kinds of hot and cold coffee drinks here. Also juices, sandwiches, pizzas, cakes and other snacks. However, the cappuccino actually tastes better at the Excelso Café, one floor above. Also try the above mentioned Sky Dine & Lounge.

Pubs/Discotheques: What you like or don't like depends on personal taste, so I can only tell my opinion based on my last visit in September 2007. Moreover the bands at most places are changing every couple of months. Best is if you try the various nightspots yourself.

My personal favourite is the Score at Boulevard Mall. During the day it's a billard café and restaurant. In the evenings there are mostly good to excellent live bands and in the breaks between the shows it's dance floor. Until midnight you can also still play billard.

Also popular is the Corner at Bahu Mall, on the 3rd floor above Kentucky Fried Chicken. It's a quite big and quite fancy music cafe style thing, usually with live bands. Good atmosphere, many of Manado's "high society kids", in general rather young folks. Quite good though. Very crowded on Saturdays.

GPs at Gran Puri Hotel (entrance through the hotel lobby) clearly has seen its best days - years ago. I tried a few times and it was mostly empty.

The Haha Café in the Mega Mall is neither a café nor a pub - it's rather an over-dimensioned music hall. Simply too big for the few people that are usually there, and with prices that are higher than in any other pub in Manado this is not really a recommended option.

And the rest? Well, if you like dark karaoke places and even darker techno discotheques you will find plenty. In general nightlife in Manado naturally has less variety than in other, larger Indonesian cities. Nonetheless it can be very interesting.

More amusement: There are lots of billiard places all over town. The fanciest one you can find at Mega Mall. Also at Mega Mall (same floor as Haha Café) is a bowling center.

Internet: There are quite a few Internet places in Manado where you can surf the web and send/receive your emails. The Cybercafe next to the General Post Office is not really recommendable, the connections are usually slow and unreliable. It's cheap though. Quite good seems to be the Parafone at Bahu Mall, in the sourthern part of Manado: take a mikrolet with the sign "Malalayang" and look for the shopping center on the right side (driver knows). In the same building (left side) is Informatics Manado which is also said to have reasonably fast connections at low rates.
Travelers who have already been to Manado are probably going to miss the News Cafe, which used to be an excellent place to collect your emails and to just hang out. It has closed down in January 2003.
If you are used to fast Internet connections you are not going to be too happy in Manado. Connections are generally slow.


Agenda Besar Kota Manado

World Ocean Conference 2009

Manado will be the host of the next World Ocean Conference (WOC) 2009. It will be held on May 11-15, 2009.

Sumber: Wikipedia


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ribuan Umat Islam Banjiri Tablik Akbar HTI

Rabu, 30-07-2008 | 14:23:13
Ribuan Umat Islam Banjiri Tablik Akbar HTI
Laporan: Ira Eka Pratiwi.

Makassar, Tribun - Ribuan umat Islam mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa mengikuti tablik akbar yang digelar Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Sulawesi Selatan, Rabu (30/7),di Masjid Agung 45 Makassar, Jl Urip Sumiharjo, Makassar.

Tablik akbar ini diharapkan membangun ukhuwah islamiah dan kesadaran seluruh umat muslim. Acara ini merupakan acara puncak sekaligus penutup rangkaian kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan HTI selama bulan Rajab 1429 H.

Lajnah I'lamiyah (Humas) DPD I HTI Sulsel, Bahrul Ulum Ilham, juga sebagai steering committee, mengatakan, acara ini bertujuan untuk mengenang 87 tahun runtuhnya daulah (negara) Islam.

Sejumlah tokoh ormas Islam seperti KH Syamsuddin Latief (Muhammadiyah), M Sirajuddin (KPPSI), Mustari Ago, dan Hasanuddin Rasyid (HTI) juga tampil sebagai orator dalam acara ini.

Dalam acara ini juga diperlihatkan bagaimana rintihan umat Islam yang mendapat siksaan dari bangsa barat dalam sebuah film dokumenter.

Acara yang digelar bertepatan dengan perayaan Isra' Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW ini juga digelar serentak di seluruh kota di Indonesia.(*)
